Wednesday, June 15, 2016

My Uncle's Tangi

On the weekend I went to a tangi because my uncle died. When we first come on I felt sad and my mum also felt sad too. I went to go and play with my cousins.Then after that we had to sing a song for my uncle. When the song was over we went to have a cup of tea  with my cousins,uncles and aunties.When we finished our cup of tea we had to go to the wharekai. I didn't feel good until I had to go and see my uncle,then I felt better. But when I went to play I said no, because I was tired. When I woke up it was dark, and it was dinner.After dinner I went to see my uncle Boy,and went to sleep by him.In the morning we all got up to bury our uncle.After the service and cleanup my mum and I travelled back to Hastings.